Sunday, April 13, 2014

Comment on the Russia - Ukraine conflict (3)


The Soviet military doctrine of maskirovka was developed in the 1920s, and used by Zhukov in the 1939 Battles of Khalkhin Gol against Japan. For example the Field Regulations of the Red Army (1929) stated that "Surprise has a stunning effect on the enemy. For this reason all troop operations must be accomplished with the greatest concealment and speed." Concealment was to be attained by confusing the enemy with movements, camouflage and use of terrain, speed, use of night and fog, and secrecy

Comment on the Russia - Ukraine conflict (2)

As i predicted previously in March, Putins Russia is now stirring up trouble in the Eastern parts of Ukraine and massing some troops close to the border.  My god how predictable and my god how predictable the feeble reaction from the western World. The Crimea land grab have now almost disappeared from the international agenda and Putin have in effect established facts on the ground concerning Crimea just by playing on the fears and anxieties of the western World by waging some low cost military manouvers and firing up some russian speakers in  Ukraine, Soon Putin will have the western Powers almost thanking him for not grabbing more than Crimea.

                                     "Peace in our time"

Reactivated publishing soon

I have been busy lately and got myself a new job so the blog have been "silent" for some time. I will now restart work and calculate the historic and forecasted geostrategic power index values as well as the corresponding geographic locations for the center of gravity (centroids) over time.
Exciting stuff coming up then in 1-2 weeks time.